Art by Others
Mania the Taur Avali
It looks like Mania’s taurification experiment was wildly successful! I have a feeling she’s gonna want to stay like this for a while.. Art by zillyhoo on FA.
Taur Upgrade
Here’s a really amazing commission I got, showing me helping my friend Keheck get used to a new taur body! Art by CaptainCronus/Umbreveon on FA.
Fiddle the Dergin-taur
A few days I saw this YCH around the time I was talking with an old friend a bit, and I had a thought. “They’d look really good as a taur!” They even told me it was something they’d want to do someday. I guess I couldn’t help myself. I wanted to get a gift…
Snake Display Orb
Hello?! Can someone let me out of here? Got a YCH of me in my Naga form, stuck inside a glass orb, looking very cute and coily. I’m definitely going to bite whoever put me in here when I find them.. Drawn by the amazing ArtinTess on FA.
Day at the Beach
And this one was a beautiful YCH of me in my Avali form, taking a load off at the beach. I really love this one; I’ve been wanting to get more art of my characters as female for a long time after realizing I was genderfluid. Very happy to be expressing it a bit more!…
Mania Naga Hypno Stickers
View on FurAffinity Had some stickers made by zillyhoo depicting my Naga hypnotizing.. well.. you, I guess! Male and Female versions, as this was made after I decided all my characters are any gender.
Mania the Proto-taur! Taurogen?
View on FurAffinity Mania’s had some work done… Decided to commission my protogen as a taur, and also had them genderbent. Art by zillyhoo on FA.
Up here! Helloo!
View on FurAffinity Here, you can see my Naga having some fun upside down on a tree branch. Not sure how it is supporting his weight… Art by alsin
Mania the Naga Reference
View on FurAffinity This is the reference I had made for my Naga form. This reference was also made before I decided that all of my characters have male and female forms, so this snek can also appear as a girl sometimes. I should get it remade someday.. Art done by levikaz