Project Updates

  • Visor Half Completed
  • Visor Display Driver Ready

    Visor Display Driver Ready

    This was the first time I was able to get the displays working. They each work by displaying a video file or image file on an RGB matrix display powered by a phone battery. The displays are Adafruit 64×32 RGB LED Matrix displays, 3 mm pitch, with their back plates removed. They are driven by…

  • First Visor Arch Prototype

    First Visor Arch Prototype

    This was the very first successful prototype of the visor arch. It was created by printing the two halves of the arch, then gluing them together. The halves were then sanded, and body filler was used to fill in gaps and imperfections. The entire thing was then painted a flat gray. This prototype would later…

  • First Successful Prints

    First Successful Prints

    These were the first successful prints I created. The very first were the ear pieces (the spiky things). As my printer was quite small, I originally separated out the ear spikes into their own pieces to be glued on. This later proved to cause issues and was also no longer supported by the original modeler.…

  • Project Begins

    Project Begins

    At this time, I was using an Ender 3 Pro 3D printer. I am using model files created by Jtingf on Patreon.