Drawing / Digital Illustration

  • Muo Headshot

    Muo Headshot

    Muo was the very first character art project I had ever undertaken, and is very important to me because it was also the first character drawing project I had ever finished, it would come to be one of only three completed designs I have ever created. This piece was created during the worst creative and personal…

  • Project Coldlands Artwork

    Project Coldlands Artwork

    This art was made for an old TRPG story project of mine, called “Coldlands”. This story took place in a land called Kethona, an ancient island very far away from the mainland, an elven fantasy style country. The owl-folk Kethonan people fought a war long ago, which resulted in the creation of a machine to…

  • Illustration of a blue gas giant

    Illustration of a blue gas giant

    One of my many, many random artwork projects, this time of a blue gas giant orbiting a white star, with something falling into it.